Mothers Lost

In Memoriam

Remembering the women who lost their lives as a direct result of divorce or child custody in the U.S.

Each of the women posted here simply wanted to leave their male partners and move on, but now they are dead. These mothers entered a system that is deeply unequal and misogynistic, one that will protect a man’s rights at any cost.

Police may have ignored their urgent pleas that their husband or Ex was dangerous. Judges may have labelled these women as ‘difficult’ or ‘overreacting.’ Their attorneys may have coerced them into settling to terms they knew would put their safety at risk. No matter where the failures were for these women, this problem is systemic and wide-spread, as women are simply not believed.

Family courts and law enforcement continue to defend and condone male entitlement, which when left unchecked, often leads to femicide or familicide - the ultimate acts of control and “ownership” of women and children. Prolonged divorce or litigious child custody cases are markers for a woman’s risk of lethality.

Society counts what it cares about. Nobody seems to be counting these women lost who were forced into a system that would ultimately lead to their death.

So we count them. We care.

Content in this section contains information that some may find disturbing and triggering, so please take care whilst reading.

“We’re enslaved to this patriarchal society that controls our innocent lives without any justice at all.”

— Narkis Golan

“It is a predatory system that functions in darkness - through "gag" orders, through a publicly-inaccessible docket, through a closed courtroom and through ex parte "temporary" orders that are in place for years.”

— Catherine Youssef Kassenoff

This memorial page captures only some of the women who have died while in a child custody case, custody exchange, separation or divorce. It does not account for all of the women whose deaths were reported as natural, accidental or suicide.

If you have any suggested corrections or wish to report a case that is not included above, please contact:

For more extensive records on all U.S. femicides, please visit: Women Count USA

For statistics and data on children murdered by a separating/divorcing parent, visit Center for Judicial Excellence

All information and photographs included on these pages are from articles and sources publicly available.