Stephanie Francis

July 5, 2024 - Hopkinton, RI

Age 43

Stephanie was shot and killed in her home by her estranged husband, whilst three children were in the house for a sleepover, including his two children. He fled the scene and a warrant for his arrest was issued. He died the following day by a self-inflicted gun shot wound during a police car chase. At the time of her murder, Stephanie was supposed to be protected under a no contact order issued 6 weeks prior.

Back in May, he was arrested and was facing charges for domestic violence ‘simple assault’ according to the public court records, where he allegedly pushed Stephanie, smashed her phone and yelled at her. Police seized two hand guns from their home along with several, loaded high-capacity magazines, which are prohibited in Rhode Island, for which he was charged with a felony. He was issued a no contact order with Stephanie in June and had an upcoming hearing for these charges in September.

News reports show that they were living together up until that June order, but their 15-year marriage was over a year ago. Stephanie had been a stay-at-home mom but had began working at a restaurant to save money for a divorce. At the assault incident in May, she had shared with police that he had an affair 5 years prior, which led to that woman filing a cyberstalking charge against him. This charge was expunged by an attorney specifically so he could be cleared to buy firearms, as he had been denied buying guns in 2020 and 2021.

Did the police not consider Stephanie at risk of lethality, because he had only “pushed and yelled” at her, charging him with just a ‘DV simple assault’ which is a misdemeanor? Was the Danger Assessment Instrument used to determine her risk?

Did the courts not consider Stephanie at risk of lethality, because it was his ‘first’ offense? All of the red flags were there - this was a murder unfolding in slow motion.

Stephanie leaves behind 2 children. Whilst her obituary and funeral were private, a public memorial event is planned for October 5th.

There is a Go Fund Me established for Stephanie’s children, now ages 10 and 14 facing life without parents. Please consider donating.

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The majority of women on these pages died by a firearm. To take action, please visit: Everytown for Gun Safety

For information on all women killed in the US: WOMEN COUNT USA: FEMICIDE ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT

All information and photos on this page are from publicly available data on the court’s website, social media or news articles.


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