About Us

About Us

WeSpoke is a collective of women who have witnessed or experienced the systemic failure of family court and matrimonial courts during divorce or child custody litigation. As we connected with each other, we recognized patterns of routine unethical, illegal and arguably unconstitutional practices in the courts.

We also realized that Matrimonial and Family Law is being drafted and lobbied for by the divorce industry itself (attorneys, bar associations, and court appointees) and even by court administrators and judges - even though all these parties have a direct conflict of interest. We receive no grants or sponsorships, so have none of the conflicts of interest inherent in the divorce industry or in government-grantee relationships. We have no relationship or affinity with any organizations such as the AFCC or shared parenting groups.

WeSpoke focuses on the injustice and sex discrimination against women in these courts. Whilst many organizations are child-safety focused, at WeSpoke we are woman centric. How can women help their children, unless they are thriving themselves?

When a government institution takes children away from their mother, there are societal consequences that will impact everyone in that family and the community at large. 

Whilst we respect the hard work of all of the various NGOs trying to "reform" the family court system to make it "better" - we do not believe that is possible. It is futile to spend years advocating for new laws, when judges have complete discretion to choose to follow law or procedure, with zero oversight or accountability.  Family Court isn’t a court of law, it’s a court of discretion.


Therefore, the most impactful thing we can offer, is for women to unite and support each other in sisterhood to give them the courage and strength to stand up to the patriarchy.

We are one voice, strengthened by standing together in truth and solidarity, being the light to the darkness. 

We spoke because in silence, we comply.

Women are gathering. Women are talking. Women are stronger together.

We are 100% volunteer led, and do not receive any grants or sponsorships. Please consider supporting our ongoing work via Patreon

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