
Bringing women together in unified support as they experience systemic failures in Family & Matrimonial Courts across the world.



In Memoriam: Monica Getz

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Bad Things DO Happen in the Dark

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An Open Letter to The Free Press on “A Wife’s Revenge from Beyond the Grave”

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Mothers Lost

May 27th marks the 2nd anniversary of Catherine Kassenoff’s death. Catherine was a founding member of WeSpoke and her death shook us deeply as it did for the thousands of women still trapped in family courts world-wide.

Since Catherine’s death in 2023, we have counted over 40 women whose deaths directly link to separation, divorce or child custody in the U.S. We continue to add to this list as many women simply do’nt make it out alive from their divorce.

Our Mothers Lost Campaign lets us take pause to remember these women and to feel the outrage of these senseless and preventable deaths. In her farewell note, Catherine said “Don’t let my death be in vain.” So here we are.

Please read and share these women’s stories wide and far.


Women Unite

We continue to bring together the voices of all the victims of the family court system.

We have been silenced enough.

Women are gathering. Women are talking. Women are stronger together.

It is time to Show up, Link up and Lift up.

Join the resistance and sign up to be a member of the WeSpoke Collective

#WeSpoke #motherslost #FamilyCourtTyranny

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If you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do something about it.”

— John Lewis, U.S. House of Representatives